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The Table Traditions Day Celebrated Started
Latin America They visit cemeteries and decorate them.
They do this to honor and remember their relatives.
They celebrate it through:
October 31st to November 2nd
They started celebrating it:
Around the 3000 years ago
North America They Trick or Treating and wearing costumes.
They also go to costume parties and carve pumpkins.
They celebrate it on:
October 31st
They started celebrating it:
Around the 19th century
Ireland They Trick or Treat and have a Bonfire.
They also carve turnip and rutabaga.
They celebrate it on:
October 31st
They started celebrating it:
Around 2000 years ago
United Kingdom They tell ghost stories and having children's games.
They also have parades and fireworks.
They celebrate it on:
October 31st
They started celebrating it:
Around the 8th century